Bakkhai – Costume Design- Theatre of the South-West

Costume Design- Bakkhai Theatre of the South-West

In 2018 I was part of the core creative team responsible for Theatre of the South-West Bakkhai, a large scale community production directed by ECU’s Vahri McKenzie, co-produced with BREC ( Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre) and funded by a Royalty for Regions grant.  Euripedes’ 2500 year old Greek tragedy, is a story full of of archetypal messages that still speak to  relevant contemporary inquiry, such as interpretation of gender roles and the struggle between social freedom and control.  It was my aim as costume designer to maintain a mythical overtone, using a highly symbolic visual language to distinguish extreme contrasting perspectives between characters.  The wild Bakkhai and kangaroo inspired Dionysos, drew on influences from the South-West environment resulting in a fusion of ‘Earthy’ characters displaying iconographic flora and fauna.  The ruling class of Thebans wore industrial chains and a black gothic/warrior inspired contrast. The head pieces worn by the Bakkhai were made using leather molding techniques and the horns made from Worbla thermo plastic.